"aha" pondermanated Simone as she plotted her devishily cunning plan....
after much hand burning but successful modern arting, a magical conundrum was created... "wooo" menstruated Danu...
"hey! I find your lack of wisdom degrading" offered Jazz in a bemused fashion....
..and with that visionary powers seised operation as rex pondered the effects of alcohol on his test subjects...
....and people slowly....
...blurred into the background.....
and so I managed to piece together a few memories and what people have told me, the main highlights were the walk home where first of all:
- me and dan attempted to roll down a road - this failed due to pain and cars
- we then proceeded to can can down the road
- this was shortly followed by jumping into a large bush, which soaked me
- then we were going to jump in a HUGE flower pot but I pushed dan in it instead
- unfortunatly then dan found a clothes drying device and wore it
- Then dan tried to get into a trolley, fell backwards in it and got stuck
- then I had the bright idea of tipping the trolley over to get him out
- blood, followed by my zombie impressions in the graveyard.
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