
awesome weekend, friday nite went to a pub with the ruffle and the adam in colchester, some weird girl attached herself to adam cos she was hammered and a pikeh and was like "hashsalkdjg I lksdhkljashg like .jkshadjkasdg you, if I hjad a house come back to my place".....

Then on saturday, we went to an awesome chinese restuarent that was like "woo I'm a rest...ta...rant"... and then to spoons where the bar was so busy we managed like two drinks...

Then we went to the route, which was an awesome club, although it was 5 quid entry and they took our finger prints, before 11pm it was 1.50 for most drinks, afterwards though it was like 20 quid for 3 vodka and cokes, luckily I bolted a fair amount of alcopops before hand... bonus...

Awesome ghosts, and fire spinning people.... club music also rocked....

Coaches suck though damn them all


David Hulbert 2:40 am  

a road bicycle! cool!

alsoly, how did u blog at 10pm 2nite when u were at spoons? hmm.....

General Ramblings and Observations by Tom of Earth: a cryptic emotionally-driven look into the life of times of the infamous sock wearer, gadget-whore, unintentional blasphemer, hypocrite, servant of Xenu, Pastafarian, absurdist and thantophobic...without me, its just aweso

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