Those chaps at Amazon

are jolly nice. I ordered the Creative Zen Vision W 30gb mp3 player from them for £145.55 a few days ago (+ student discount and free pnp) but then yesterday the price went down to £139.99. Emailed them and within an hour I got refund for the difference (£5.56). So in total I got an mp3 player which has more features, better compatibility and higher visual and sound quality than an ipod, for only £132.72.

*thrust* woooooof

more info on their price drop policy here.


General Ramblings and Observations by Tom of Earth: a cryptic emotionally-driven look into the life of times of the infamous sock wearer, gadget-whore, unintentional blasphemer, hypocrite, servant of Xenu, Pastafarian, absurdist and thantophobic...without me, its just aweso

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