Because we’re clever and the such like a few of us got the free breakfast that the hostel offered, which consisted of jam, toast and coffee, but was free, which everyone needs in Dublin. We took ages to leave because of 9 people sharing 1 shower, though the shower itself was pretty good. As opposed to yesterday it was a beautiful day, walked along river, which looked much better in the sun, to the Guinness Factory, past Voodoo pubs, and crazy 'graffiti’.
The Factory itself was very cool, just walking around the grounds to get to the entrance as you are surrounded entirely by huge brick walls. Reminded me of My Left Foot, for some reason. Inside the factory we saw various interesting exhibits, saw how they made Guinness, they faked making a batch from someone hitting a button. It’s amazing how much the Guinness company has done, they used to own HUGE cargo ships to ship Guinness all over the world, I guess now they just hire them or something. There were lots of advertising material as well, including a Guinness art gallery of sorts. We then got to pour our own pint after being shown how to, which ruled and we got to enjoy it on top of their tower,
overlooking the grey dull view of Dublin (where it was clouding over already). Still very enjoyable.
We walked back, and went through the town, after more dithering over food, a few of us got a very cheap(for Dublin) Chinese because everywhere is expensive. Met back up at the hostel. Went for dinner at a Crepe house, followed by a nice little game of ring of fire with extremely expensive vodka we got from a Spa. And hess revealed that fucking someone with a nipple like rexes would make him ejaculate faster than if he was fucking the same person without a pierced nipple. Afterwards we went to a pre-booked comedy night in a tiny room up the top of a pub. Surprisingly awesome as the 2nd out of 3 acts was Doogle
from Father Ted! Very few people, and they didn't insult anyone. Good stuff. Then we walked out to a club further from town that one of the bar folk told us about, and we partied away. Very good night, crazy drunk humour dancing.
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