well let me say this, sanity is in the eye of the beholder:WANTED: Parkour partner - where's dave when I need him
just done some online verbal test. Man I hate those. they can go to hell. they can go to hell and they can die. But I may have done it alrite. So lets P-A-R-T... Y? cos I gotta.
Recent doggy related feedback:
Raffle: you sound really odd
Tom: well I imagine a small stuffed toy dog would sound pretty odd
Raffle: I'm pretty sure they don't sound at all to be honest
touche young raffle.
once more my sanity has been brought into question
Posted by
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Labels: far2emo
Is it 'sanity is in the eye of beholder', or the 'beerholder'? Yeah, think on that one.
Also, I was quoted! w00t! I was going to tell you off for calling me 'young raffle' but then realised that you technically have that right. But only by 15 days!
it sounded wrong when I typed it, hence why its in my blog :P
i wanna parkour 2 tom, when shall we meet up?
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