Don't waste a taste my basket case

Well thank you Jade Raymond. You have caused me to waste an entire day by playing Assassin's Creed until the wee hours, i.e. 4am. This then broke my face and my alarm waking up skillery, so I got out of bed at 2pm. I have then spent the day doing nothing of any point, which is quite unfortunate.

Even when I went to Sta Travel yesterday nothing much was sorted as their system was broke, but Andy C is going email me a draft itinerary, which is jolly nice. I should probably organise my jabs as well, but no doubt I shall dilly dally for a while and not doing that. Why do I always resort to Magic FM when trying to find decent music on the radio?

Hey look Mike, Mac OS X had 5 times as many vulnerabilities as XP + Vista combined.

Following the traditional of throwing links at you until you die, check out Travelodges giving away free rooms to couples called Mary & Joseph. Also: an excellence comedical rap video, which quite a soul swinging, jazz fingering sound. Talking of fingering I shall leave you, with this amazing video of a guy finger dancing, as such, to a daft punk track:

And an alternative more titillating version.


General Ramblings and Observations by Tom of Earth: a cryptic emotionally-driven look into the life of times of the infamous sock wearer, gadget-whore, unintentional blasphemer, hypocrite, servant of Xenu, Pastafarian, absurdist and thantophobic...without me, its just aweso

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